
1. In line with the General Data protection Regulation (GDPR) agreed upon by the European Parliament and Council on 27 April 2016 and implemented on 25 May 2018, we hereby inform you that the personal Data Administrator, according to the Act on the Protection of Personal Data is: Hotel Śląsk sp. z o.o, with its headquarters in Wroclaw, ul. Oporowska 60, registered at the District Court of Wrocław Fabryczna Economic Department of the National Court Register, KRS. 

2. Personal data is processed for managing reservations, providing hotel services and in case of given consent also for marketing purposes. 

3. All the data collected in order to provide hotel services will be processed for a period specified by law, and in case of data given with a consent, until such consent is revoked. 

4. You have the right to access your personal data, to rectify it, to transfer it and also to receive a copy of it. 

5. Should you give the hotel your consent for processing your data for marketing purposes, your have the right to revoke your consent at any moment, the right to limit data processing, to erase it or the right to forget. 

6. Your personal data could be made available to companies providing IT, accounting, legal and marketing support for the hotel 

7. If the processing of personal data infringes the aforementioned Regulation your have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Department (puoDO) 

8. To contact the person responsible for personal data protection at this hotel please write to:

Hotel Śląsk/
Hotel Śląsk

ul. Oporowska 60 (boczna Grabiszyńskiej)
53-434 Wrocław | Fabryczna

Company info

Hotel Śląsk Sp. z o.o.
Bank account: DB PBC S.A.
41 1910 1048 2401 0304 0823 0001
NIP: 894-299-67-88

Satisfaction guarantee

4101 oceny w 13 portalach

Contact us

Hotel Śląsk

ul. Oporowska 60 (boczna Grabiszyńskiej)
53-434 Wrocław | Fabryczna

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